Shervin Assari
1,21 Center for Research on Ethnicity, Culture and Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
2 Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Background and aims: Although major depressive disorder (MDD) also increases the risk of intimate
partner violence (IPV) perpetration, poor mental health has been mostly conceptualized as a
consequence of IPV victimization rather than a risk factor for IPV perpetration. Poor impulse control
is another IPV risk factor. Building on a risk/risk framework, this study investigated additive and
multiplicative effects of male partners’ MDD and poor impulse control on physical IPV victimization
reported by female partners.
Methods: This national longitudinal study followed a random sample of 2500 male and female
cohabiting partners for 2 years in the United States. Data came from the Fragile Families and
Child Wellbeing Study (FFCWS). Male partner’s MDD was the independent variable. Baseline
socio-demographic factors (age, relation status, education level, income, and minority status) and
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) were covariates. Outcome was
female partner’s physical IPV victimization measured at baseline and 2 years later. Male partner’s
impulse control was the moderator. Model I tested independent effects of MDD and impulse control
on physical IPV. Model II used multi-group structural equation model to test the effect of MDD in those
with low and poor impulse control. All participants provided written consent. SPSS and AMOS were
used for data analysis.
Results: Model 1 that tested additive effects of socioeconomic status (SES), GAD, AUD, MDD, and poor
impulse control did not show main effects of MDD or impulse control on an increase in perpetration of
physical IPV over 2 years. Model 2 showed that MDD predicts an increase in perpetration of physical
IPV by men with poor impulse control, but not men with high impulse control.
Conclusion: Based on the findings, poor impulse control and MDD have synergistic effects on IPV
committed by men. Given the synergistic effects of psychological determinants of IPV, there is a need
for prevention of IPV in male partners who have multiple risk factors such as MDD and poor impulse
control. Self-regulation trainings of depressed men with poor impulse control may reduce IPV risk
among men.