Int J Epidemiol Res. 2017;4(3): 182-184.
doi: 10.15171/ijer.2017.01
  Abstract View: 387
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Free Roaming Dogs: A Threat to Public Health  

Kh. Shafiur Rahaman 1*

1 School of Public Health, International Campus, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
*Corresponding Author: *Corresponding Author: Kh. Shafiur Rahaman, Email:, Email: rajib_pt@yahoo.com


Free roaming dogs are increasing in numbers. They live in unhygienic conditions and are not vaccinated mostly. They create several problems in the community, particularly health threats to human. Dog biting is a commonly reported case in some hospitals in Bangladesh. Rabies is one of the killers of people in Bangladesh and transmission occurs mostly due the dog biting. Death commonly occurs in children due to rabies. Rabies death is completely preventable by vaccinating dogs at national level. Many steps have already been taken. Source identification of dogs, animal birth control program and proper surveillance are necessary. Sustainable implementation of programs to manage dog population, dog bite management and awareness raising among population can bring out fruitful result in this situation. Inhumane killing of dogs to reduce the number can never be a permanent solution. Vaccinating dogs is the most effective strategy suggested by experts. Therefore, it is not too late to implement action plans with regular monitoring and evaluation for the sake of human and animal health.
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Submitted: 16 Mar 2017
Accepted: 17 May 2017
ePublished: 27 Aug 2017
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