Background and aims: The World Health Organization and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) recommended executive breastfeeding for 6 months after birth. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of executive breastfeeding in Iran by a meta-analysis study to be used by policy-makers in order to health programmer plan in this field.Methods: In this meta-analysis study, the databases of ISI Web of Knowledge, PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, Google Scholar and domestic databases were searched between January 2007 and March 2015. Between the studies with regard to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 16 studies were selected. Data were analyzed using Stata 11 software.Results: Sever heterogeneity was observed among reported prevalence based on the results of Chi-square based on Q test and I2 statistics (Q=6132.55, P2=99.8 %) and consequently, random effect model was used for themeta-analysis. The overall estimated prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding in Iran was 49.1% (95% CI: 33.4-64.9).Conclusions: In the present study, it was summarized the results of previous studies and showed that the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding in Iran has been increased and currently is in a satisfactory level. The ongoing national programs for preservation and promoting of exclusive breastfeeding should continue.