Int J Epidemiol Res. 2015;2(1): 1-3.
  Abstract View: 196
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Ebola virus disease: facts and fears


Ebola virus (EBOV) is an enveloped virus including a negative single strand genome in its virion with cylindrical/tubular morphology. EBOV is the causative agent of Ebola virus disease (EVD), which is also involved in the outbreak observed in Central Africa since 1976. EVD is a complex zoonotic viral disease which is highly virulent in human. The transmission of Ebola infection is not usually high. In addition, the initial human-to-human transmission of EBV occurs via contact with the fluids of infected patients. Since there is no available established treatment or vaccine for Ebola, symptomatic therapy and strict quarantine seems to be adequate for preventing its transmission. This virus is not airborne, foodborne or waterborne. Due to the fear from EVD and the potential outbreak at any given moment, this article discusses the main epidemiological characteristics of the disease. The only member of Ebola virus species is EBOV, which is the most dangerous virus among the five known viruses within the genus EBOV.1,2 EBOV is an enveloped virus which has a negative single strand genome in its virion with cylindrical/tubular morphology. Virological investigations have identified the EBOV (formerly Zaire EBOV) as the causative agent of EVD, which was also involved in the outbreak observed in Central Africa since 1976.3,4 In fact, EVD is a complex zoonotic viral disease that is highly virulent in human.5
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Submitted: 01 Oct 2014
Revision: 18 Nov 2014
Accepted: 30 Nov 2014
ePublished: 01 Mar 2015
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